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  • 2793 Pine St

    2793 Pine St

    Nulla facilisi. Cras blandit elit sit amet eros sodales, non accumsan neque mollis. Nullam tempor sapien tellus, sit amet posuere ante porta quis. Nunc semper leo diam, vitae imperdiet mauris suscipit et. Maecenas ut neque lectus. Duis et ipsum nec felis elementum pulvi...

  • 1100 Broderick St

    1100 Broderick St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus ...

  • 868 Turk St

    868 Turk St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus posuere posuere fel...

  • 420 Fell St

    420 Fell St

    Sed at vehicula magna, sed vulputate ipsum. Maecenas fringilla, leo et auctor consequat, lacus nulla iaculis eros, at ultrices erat libero quis ante. Praesent in neque est. Cras quis ultricies nisi, vitae laoreet nisi. Nunc a orci at velit sodales mollis ac ac ipsum. Na...

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

alung himawh papipa

Once there lived a happy couple who had been together for decades.  But after spending years together, husband was concerned that his wife was not hearing well as she used to hear. He thought that she might need a hearing aid but he wasn’t sure how to approach her.

He called his family doctor asked for suggestion. The doctor told him to test it with a simple idea. The doctor said, “ Stand 40 feet away from her and speak as loud as you would speak to her in a normal conversation. Observe if she hears you. If not, reduce the distance into 30 feet, then 20 feet, and  so until you get a response. The distance will help us to estimate her requirements for the hearing aid ”

Next day , the husband saw his wife cooking dinner in the kitchen. So he took the opportunity to check the doctor’s Idea. He got 40 feet away from his wife and asked , “ dear what is there for dinner?” . He waited for response but did not get  any.

He moved a bit closer  and asked “ dear, what is there for dinner?”. He still did not get any response from his wife.

He then stood twenty feet away from his wife and asked the same question, hoping he would get a response this time. But the wife did not respond.

He then stood just ten feet away from his wife and asked “ Dear , What is there for dinner.”  He did not get any response

By now the husband was very concerned and felt pity about how bad is his wife’s hearing.

Then he walked right behind her and says, “ Honey, what is there for dinner. “

The wife shouted, “John, This is the the fifth time I’m saying, CHICKEN..!!”


Most often, the problem may not be with others but could be very much within us.

thomas Edison leh note laidal

One day the young Thomas Edison came home and handed a paper to his mother from his school. He told her, “My teacher gave this paper to me and told me to give it only to you.”

His mother’s eyes were tearful as she read the letter out loud to her son. “ Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and doesn’t have good teachers for training him. Please teach him yourself.”

After years, Edison’s mother died and he was renowned as one of the greatest inventors of the century. One day he was going through his old family things. Suddenly, he noticed a folded paper in the corner of a drawer. He took it and opened it up.

On the paper was written: “Your son is addled. We won’t let him come to school any more.”

Thomas Edison cried for hours and then he wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child that, by a hero mother, became the genius of the century.”

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