Luke 14:25-35
by David O. Dykes
In Luke 14, Jesus was getting closer and closer to the
cross. People who wanted to see a miracle or get a free meal from Him were
mobbing Him. The crowd is about to become much smaller because He started
setting forth the cost of discipleship, and it’s not a popular message. It
requires total commitment.
A hog and a hen sharing the same barnyard heard about a church’s
program to feed the hungry. The hog and the hen discussed how they could help. The hen
said, “I’ve got it! We’ll provide bacon and eggs for the church to feed the
hungry.” The hog thought about the suggestion and said, “There’s only thing
wrong with your bacon and eggs idea. For you, it only requires a contribution,
but from me, it will mean total commitment!” That’s the cost of discipleship.
In this passage of scripture, Jesus provided five vivid images,
and used each one to teach a lesson about discipleship. Let’s number them as we
read the text:
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he
said: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife
and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple.
[That’s mark #1] And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be
my disciple. [That’s mark #2]
Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It
is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile, it is thrown out. He who
has ears to hear, let him hear.”
People choose to Jesus on several different levels of intimacy.
It’s like a set of concentric circles. On the outside you have the crowd.
The mob following Jesus knew who He was, but they would soon be gone. Today, the
people in East Texas who express an interest in Jesus represent the crowd, but
they seldom ever worship with other believers. It’s like the crowd of over
6,000 people who showed up here last Easter–where are they today?
Which circle represents where you are today? Where would you
like to be? The job of a disciple is to become part of the core committed and
then move out into the crowd to make more disciples.
As we study these five marks of a real disciple, let’s first
note the vivid image Jesus uses, and then dig into the meaning of His words.
(Matthew 10:22,37)
The first image Jesus uses is a family. Are you surprised Jesus
said that to be a disciple you must hate your family? English word for “hate.”
The word is sane, which means “to prefer above.”
To be a disciple, you must love Jesus more than you love anyone
else–even family members. Your love for Jesus should be so powerful that in
comparison, it seems as if you hate everyone else. It is also true that
sometimes your love for Jesus will alienate you from others, even your family.
A few years ago, a former Muslim came to know Christ and was baptized here at
Green Acres. It was a tough decision for him because he knew the moment he became
a Christian, his family back in Iran would not just disown him, they would
have a funeral for him and consider him to be dead. He had to make the hard
choice, but he followed Jesus–even though His family opposed it.
If you truly follow the Lord, you won’t have to look for people
to ridicule you and oppose you, they will find you–and they may be your family
members. In Matthew 10 Jesus said, “All men will hate you because of
me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved…Anyone who loves his father
or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:22,37)
Heather Mercer (here August 22) and Dana Curry were arrested by
the Taliban and held prisoner for 128 days in Afghanistan. They both attended Baylor, and
surrendered their lives to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. A couple of weeks
ago, Dateline interviewed Heather Mercer’s mother. It was the kind of story the
media likes because they discovered Heather’s mother was totally opposed to
Heather’s decision to work in Afghanistan. The media really tried to play up
the story to show Heather’s commitment to Christ had divided her family. They
wanted to keep asking here how she could do something her mother opposed.
That’s what Jesus meant in verse 26.
In her new book, Prisoners of Hope, Heather wrote:
“We answered hard questions posed by our families and friends.
Extraordinary are the parents who don’t balk at the idea of their child moving
to a third-world, war-ravaged, drought-stricken country–and, in this case, a
country serving as a hub for international terrorist activity. That we had
decided to go as Christian aid workers to a country where a harsh,
unpredictable regime severely curtailed religious freedom gave most of our
loved ones pause at best, and otherwise prompted serious alarm. We were asked:
‘Aren’t you being foolish? Why would you jeopardize your own safety?’”
Friend, when God calls you, you have to make some difficult
decisions, and sometimes your family will not jump up and down and rejoice over
your choices. That’s the first mark of a true disciple. Next:
The image Jesus used is a cross. A real disciple is someone
who carries his cross.
Paul understood what it meant to carry a cross. In Galatians
there are three dynamite verses about what it means to carry your cross: “I
have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in
me...” (Galatians 2:20) “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the
sinful nature with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) “May I never
boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has
been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Galatians 6:14)
That means there is nothing the world has to offer you that
interests you–it’s as if the world is dead to you and you are dead to the
One of the classic books on discipleship is The Cost of
Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a German pastor during
WWII. Because he opposed Hitler and the Nazis, he was imprisoned where he died
before the war ended. He wrote:
“The cross is laid on
every Christian. As we embark upon discipleship we surrender ourselves to
Christ in union with his death–we give over our lives to death. The cross is
not the terrible end to an otherwise god-fearing and happy life, but it meets
us at the beginning of our communion with Christ. When Christ calls a man, he
bids him come and die.” (The Cost of Discipleship, p.99).
The older I get, the more I realize there can never be any
“coasting” in the Christian life. There is no such thing as spiritual
retirement. The pages of the Bible are littered with great men and women
who didn’t finish well. Noah and his family were saved from the flood, but
poor Noah ended as a drunken man who got naked and cursed his son. Solomon was
the wisest man in all of history, but he didn’t finish well–his many wives
turned his heart from God.
The good news is none of you are finished yet. It doesn’t matter what
has happened in the past, you still can finish well. The finish line is still
ahead. Are you sitting down on the track? Are you going to barely drag yourself
across the finish line, or are you going to summon God’s strength so you can
sprint across the finish line?
Billy Sunday was the Billy Graham of his generation. He was a
former professional baseball player. He once said: “Stopping at third adds no
more to the score than striking out. It doesn’t matter how well you start if
you fail to finish.” A real disciple finishes strong.
In this image, Jesus describes two kings. One is outnumbered,
so he wisely approaches the stronger king and makes peace before the battle
ever begins. You and I are one of the kings and God is the other. Guess which
one we are? Because we can never win against God, we must surrender to Him. In
Jesus’ time a surrendering king could be made into a slave of the opposing
king, so it required great humility to bow down and ask for terms of peace. It
takes humility today to surrender to Jesus.
You cannot be a disciple unless you are willing to give up
control of your life to Jesus. And that’s hard to do. None of us wants to give up.
I once read about a lifeguard on a beach who saw a drowning man.
He walked into the surf but didn’t go out to rescue him. People gathered on the
beach and yelled and screamed at the lifeguard to go out and rescue the
drowning man. The lifeguard waded a little deeper, and kept his eye on the
drowning man, but the yells and screams of the onlookers didn’t motivate him to
swim out. Just when it seemed the man was going down for the last time, the
lifeguard swam out with strong strokes and grabbed the man and brought him back
to shore. After some spitting and coughing, the man was conscious. But rather
than hailing him as a hero, the onlookers were angry at the lifeguard and said,
“You coward! You saw he was drowning, why didn’t you go out sooner?”
The lifeguard patiently explained, “You can see that he is much
bigger and stronger than I am.” If I had gone out sooner, he was thrashing and
kicked so violently that he would have probably drowned both of us. As long as
he was trying to save himself, I couldn’t save him. But when he got tired, and
gave up, then I knew I could save him.”
That’s a great lesson about salvation. As long as you think you
are strong enough to save yourself, you won’t surrender to Jesus. It’s only
when you give up and realize you are
Luke 14:25-35
by David O. Dykes
The main job Jesus left us to do was to make disciples. There is
a difference between a believer and a disciple. There is no such thing as an
instant disciple; like the word, it takes discipline. A Russian comedian, Yakov
Smirnoff talks about when he first moved to America, he was amazed at the
variety of instant products he could buy in the store. There’s powdered milk:
just add water and you have milk. There’s powdered orange juice: just add water
and you have orange juice. Then he saw Baby Powder and thought, “What a great
country! If you want a baby, just add water!” Some people think that’s how
discipleship works. You take a believer, add a little baptism water, and “poof”
you have a fully-devoted follower of Jesus–a real disciple. But it takes more
than water to make a disciple. Disciples are made, not born.
In Luke 14, Jesus was getting closer and closer to the
cross. People who wanted to see a miracle or get a free meal from Him were
mobbing Him. The crowd is about to become much smaller because He started
setting forth the cost of discipleship, and it’s not a popular message. It
requires total commitment.
A hog and a hen sharing the same barnyard heard about a church’s
program to feed the hungry. The hog and the hen discussed how they could help.
The hen said, “I’ve got it! We’ll provide bacon and eggs for the church to feed
the hungry.” The hog thought about the suggestion and said, “There’s only thing
wrong with your bacon and eggs idea. For you, it only requires a contribution,
but from me, it will mean total commitment!” That’s the cost of discipleship.
In this passage of scripture, Jesus provided five vivid images,
and used each one to teach a lesson about discipleship. Let’s number them as we
read the text:
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he
said: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife
and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my
disciple. [That’s mark #1] And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow
me cannot be my disciple. [That’s mark #2]
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit
down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if
he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will
ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’
[That’s mark #3] Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king.
Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with then thousand
men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not
able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and
will ask for terms of peace. In the same way, any of you who does not give up
everything he has cannot be my disciple. [That’s mark #4]
Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made
salty again? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile, it is
thrown out. (That’s mark #5) He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
People choose to Jesus on several different levels of intimacy.
It’s like a set of concentric circles. On the outside you have the crowd. The
mob following Jesus knew who He was, but they would soon be gone. Today, the
people in East Texas who express an interest in Jesus represent the crowd, but
they seldom ever worship with other believers. It’s like the crowd of over
6,000 people who showed up here last Easter–where are they today?
A deeper level of commitment is the congregation. These are
people who attend church on a fairly regular basis. In other words, they
“congregate” with other people to worship, but are not an active member of any
local church. They call themselves church-shoppers, but they are more like church-hoppers.
They are like a butterfly flitting from one church to another, never really
committing themselves to serve Jesus. A deeper level of commitment is the
church. This circle represents those who have affiliated with a local church
and have a deeper level of intimacy with Christ and His body. But there is a
level deeper than that which we could call the committed. These are the ones
within the church who are real disciples–they are radical Christians–sold out
to Jesus. Like in many organizations, in our church about 20% of the people do
80% of the work and give 80% of the financial support of the church. That’s the
committed core.
Which circle represents where you are today? Where would you
like to be? The job of a disciple is to become part of the core committed and
then move out into the crowd to make more disciples.
As we study these five marks of a real disciple, let’s first
note the vivid image Jesus uses, and then dig into the meaning of His words.
The first image Jesus uses is a family. Are you surprised Jesus
said that to be a disciple you must hate your family? I read about one pastor
who entitled his message on this text, “How to hate your wife.” You may be
asking yourself, “Doesn’t He talk elsewhere about loving everyone, including
our enemies?” Sure, remember, Jesus often used figures of speech to give His
words a greater impact. He used metaphors, similes, and parables. And here, He
simply employed hyperbole. Hyperbole is an intentional exaggeration to
emphasize a point. My wife uses hyperbole all the time when she says something
like, “I’ve told you a million times to put the seat down.” I know it isn’t a
million times (only half a million). So, don’t get upset because Jesus used
hyperbole. Also, the Greek word in this verse means something totally different
than our English word for “hate.” The word is sane, which means “to prefer
To be a disciple, you must love Jesus more than you love anyone
else–even family members. Your love for Jesus should be so powerful that in
comparison, it seems as if you hate everyone else. It is also true that
sometimes your love for Jesus will alienate you from others, even your family.
A few years ago, a former Muslim came to know Christ and was baptized here at
Green Acres. It was a tough decision for him because he knew the moment he became
a Christian, his family back in Iran would not just disown him, they would have
a funeral for him and consider him to be dead. He had to make the hard choice,
but he followed Jesus–even though His family opposed it.
If you truly follow the Lord, you won’t have to look for people
to ridicule you and oppose you, they will find you–and they may be your family
members. In Matthew 10 Jesus said, “All men will hate you because of
me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved…Anyone who loves his father
or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:22,37)
Heather Mercer (here August 22) and Dana Curry were arrested by
the Taliban and held prisoner for 128 days in Afghanistan. They both attended
Baylor, and surrendered their lives to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. A
couple of weeks ago, Dateline interviewed Heather Mercer’s mother. It was the
kind of story the media likes because they discovered Heather’s mother was
totally opposed to Heather’s decision to work in Afghanistan. The media really
tried to play up the story to show Heather’s commitment to Christ had divided
her family. They wanted to keep asking here how she could do something her
mother opposed. That’s what Jesus meant in verse 26.
In her new book, Prisoners of Hope, Heather wrote:
“We answered hard questions posed by our families and friends.
Extraordinary are the parents who don’t balk at the idea of their child moving
to a third-world, war-ravaged, drought-stricken country–and, in this case, a
country serving as a hub for international terrorist activity. That we had
decided to go as Christian aid workers to a country where a harsh,
unpredictable regime severely curtailed religious freedom gave most of our
loved ones pause at best, and otherwise prompted serious alarm. We were asked:
‘Aren’t you being foolish? Why would you jeopardize your own safety?’”
Friend, when God calls you, you have to make some difficult
decisions, and sometimes your family will not jump up and down and rejoice over
your choices. That’s the first mark of a true disciple. Next:
The image Jesus used is a cross. A real disciple is someone who
carries his cross. There is a hymn we used to sing when I was a child that said
something about “the cross I bear.” I thought they were singing about a
cross-eyed bear. I remember thinking if I ever met a bear in the woods, I sure
hoped it was a cross-eyed bear, so it couldn’t see me well!
Many Christians are just as confused today about what it means
to carry a cross. I’ve had someone say to me, “I have migraine headaches, but I
guess it’s just the cross I must bear.” Or I had someone take off their shoe
one time and show me their ugly big toe. They said, “I have an in-grown
toenail, but I guess it’s just the cross I must bear.” I always wanted to say,
“Why don’t you have that nasty thing worked on by a doctor?” The cross is NOT a
headache or an ingrown toenail.
Today, the image of the cross has lost its horror. The true
message of the cross is death. How many of you are either wearing a cross
today, or have a cross on your Bible? How nice. But what if we began to sell
little miniature models of an electric chair in our bookstore, would you wear
one? Or what if someone made a syringe of poison and started offering it as
jewelry to wear? Can’t you hear someone walking up to you saying, “I love your
electric chair, where did you get it?” Or would you say, “Have you seen my
James Avery lethal injection syringe?”
Today, the cross has become benign–a piece of harmless jewelry.
In the Jesus’ time, it was a horrible, agonizing tortuous mode of execution. It
was the noose, the electric chair, the lethal injection of His day. In the time
of Jesus when you saw someone carrying across it meant one and only one
thing–they were as good as dead. A few years ago, Sister Helen Prejean wrote a
book, Dead Man Walking. When a death row prisoner is walking from his cell to
the place to be executed, the other prisoners say, “Dead man walking.” He’s
alive and walking–but he’s as good as dead. That’s a perfect description of
what Jesus meant when He spoke of a disciple carrying his cross. We are dead
people. We should just start acting like a dead person.
Paul understood what it meant to carry a cross. In Galatians
there are three dynamite verses about what it means to carry your cross: “I
have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in
me...” (Galatians 2:20) “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the
sinful nature with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) “May I never
boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has
been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Galatians 6:14)
That means there is nothing the world has to offer you that
interests you–it’s as if the world is dead to you and you are dead to the
Years ago, the great Nazarene preacher Bud Robinson visited
Manhattan. He saw all the buildings, the bright lights and the temptations of
the city. Bud was a great preacher, but he had a noticeable lisp. At a church
that night in New York City he prayed the following prayer: “Dear Lord, I thank
Thee that I have theen all these wonderful things today. But I also thank Thee
that I didn’t thee a thingle thing I wanted!” For a disciple carrying a cross,
the world can’t offer a thing we want.
One of the classic books on discipleship is The Cost of
Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a German pastor during
WWII. Because he opposed Hitler and the Nazis, he was imprisoned where he died
before the war ended. He wrote:
“The cross is laid on
every Christian. As we embark upon discipleship we surrender ourselves to
Christ in union with his death–we give over our lives to death. The cross is
not the terrible end to an otherwise god-fearing and happy life, but it meets
us at the beginning of our communion with Christ. When Christ calls a man, he
bids him come and die.” (The Cost of Discipleship, p.99).
In many ways, a dead man is set free. You won’t be truly
liberated until you understand what it is to be crucified with Christ. The next
image is:
Jesus presents the image of a man who plans on building a tower.
Before he begins the construction, he must “count the cost” to see if he has
enough resources to finish the job. Now this is the cost of discipleship, not
the cost of salvation. Before you embark on the Christian life, if you stopped
to ask, “do I have enough to finish?” The answer is always, “NO.” It’s not our
resources that are necessary–God provides all we need. God is the builder who
finishes the job called salvation. In Philippians 1:6 Paul said,
“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on
to completion.” Jesus is talking about the cost of total commitment. Actually,
it’s better to think in terms of the value instead of the cost. A good finish
as a disciple is the key. A lot of backslidden Christians may go to heaven when
they die, but they won’t be finishing well. In verse 29 Jesus spoke about the
man “who was not able to finish.” Jesus says everyone will look at the
uncompleted project and ridicule the one who didn’t finish it. I’m haunted by
those words–I don’t want to become a spiritual dropout.
When I was first out of seminary in the late 70’s I used to
drive through a little town called Locapoka (near Notasulga). I’ve never
forgotten the sad sight there. There was the concrete block shell of a church
someone had started building years earlier. The project had been halted. There
was no roof on the building and trees and shrubs had grown inside the shell.
One of the pine trees growing inside the uncompleted church was at least 15
feet tall. I may never know the full story about what happened in that little
church. But to everyone who passes by, for years that uncompleted building
preaches a sermon: Someone started this, but they didn’t count the cost, and
they weren’t able to finish. There is a great value in finishing what you
The older I get, the more I realize there can never be any
“coasting” in the Christian life. There is no such thing as spiritual
retirement. The pages of the Bible are littered with great men and women who
didn’t finish well. Noah and his family were saved from the flood, but poor
Noah ended as a drunken man who got naked and cursed his son. Solomon was the
wisest man in all of history, but he didn’t finish well–his many wives turned
his heart from God.
Are you going to finish well? I’ve been here long enough to know
some folks who used to be faithful servants–real disciples–but they have
dropped out. Oh, they still attend sometimes, and I suppose they’ll go to
heaven when they die, but unless something changes they aren’t going to finish
strong. They are like that church building in Locapoka.
The good news is none of you are finished yet. It doesn’t matter
what has happened in the past, you still can finish well. The finish line is
still ahead. Are you sitting down on the track? Are you going to barely drag
yourself across the finish line, or are you going to summon God’s strength so
you can sprint across the finish line?
Billy Sunday was the Billy Graham of his generation. He was a
former professional baseball player. He once said: “Stopping at third adds no
more to the score than striking out. It doesn’t matter how well you start if
you fail to finish.” A real disciple finishes strong.
In this image, Jesus describes two kings. One is outnumbered, so
he wisely approaches the stronger king and makes peace before the battle ever
begins. You and I are one of the kings and God is the other. Guess which one we
are? Because we can never win against God, we must surrender to Him. In Jesus’
time a surrendering king could be made into a slave of the opposing king, so it
required great humility to bow down and ask for terms of peace. It takes
humility today to surrender to Jesus.
You cannot be a disciple unless you are willing to give up
control of your life to Jesus. And that’s hard to do. None of us wants to give
I once read about a lifeguard on a beach who saw a drowning man.
He walked into the surf but didn’t go out to rescue him. People gathered on the
beach and yelled and screamed at the lifeguard to go out and rescue the
drowning man. The lifeguard waded a little deeper, and kept his eye on the
drowning man, but the yells and screams of the onlookers didn’t motivate him to
swim out. Just when it seemed the man was going down for the last time, the
lifeguard swam out with strong strokes and grabbed the man and brought him back
to shore. After some spitting and coughing, the man was conscious. But rather
than hailing him as a hero, the onlookers were angry at the lifeguard and said,
“You coward! You saw he was drowning, why didn’t you go out sooner?”
The lifeguard patiently explained, “You can see that he is much
bigger and stronger than I am.” If I had gone out sooner, he was thrashing and
kicked so violently that he would have probably drowned both of us. As long as
he was trying to save himself, I couldn’t save him. But when he got tired, and
gave up, then I knew I could save him.”
That’s a great lesson about salvation. As long as you think you
are strong enough to save yourself, you won’t surrender to Jesus. It’s only
when you give up and realize you are hopelessly lost, that Jesus can come and
rescue you. Have you ever come to a place in your life where you have
surrendered everything you have and everything you are to Jesus? I think real
discipleship is coming to Jesus and saying, “Jesus, I give up. I give up
control of my life.”
I think one of the reasons the book of Psalms speaks of lifting
your hands in praise is because the lifting of hands has always been a gesture
of surrender. Even today, the police will say, “Put your hands up!” Have you
surrendered to Jesus? I didn’t ask you if you were a Christian. I have found I
have to surrender to Jesus often. Maybe you need to do what I do on a regular
basis. I get on my knees and I raise my hands and I say, “I surrender all. I
surrender all. All to thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.”
Finally, Jesus used the image of:
Salt was very valuable during Jesus’ time. Roman soldiers were
paid with salt rations. The Latin phrase “Solarium Argentums” is where we get
our word “salary.” Even today we speak of someone who is “not worth their
salt.” In the time of Jesus the greatest value of salt was in its use as a
preservative. Since they didn’t have any way to refrigerate meat, salt would be
applied to fresh meat to prevent the meat from rotting. The salt created a
chemical reaction that slowed down the process of decay. It retarded
corruption, so as a consequence, it preserved the goodness of the meat. That’s
why Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “You are the salt of the earth. But
if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” (Matthew
We live in a nation suffering from moral decay at an alarming
rate. Our society is getting more rotten by the day. Like salt, we must come in
contact with our corrupting culture to slow down the process of decay. As salt,
our job is to preserve the goodness that still exists in our culture. We must
be the ones who speak up when a sexually oriented business applies for a
license–as some of us did a couple of weeks ago. We must be the ones who stand
up and say taking “under God” out of the pledge of allegiance is not
acceptable. We must be the ones who stand up and say in love that abortion is
murder and homosexual behavior is perversion. If we don’t speak out against
moral evil, we’ve lost our saltiness. Now that kind of activity is not going to
make us popular with our culture. When he was trying to preach the annual
presidential sermon, my seminary classmate, James Merritt, was interrupted many
times by homosexual protesters at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in
St. Louis. Being salt will certainly not make us popular. Have you ever noticed
how salt stings when it gets in a wound? Salt irritates, but in addition to
being a preservative, it is also an antiseptic–and our society needs a good cleaning!
We must be salt in our corrupting world. If we don’t speak up against evil, our
nation will become even more perverse than it is now.
But the problem Jesus identified is that some people have lost
their saltiness. My salt expert is Lanny Bridges, who is a chemist for Morton
Salt in Grand Saline (he really does go to work in the salt mines every day).
Lanny says pure salt never loses its saltiness. Several years ago, he gave me a
salt crystal. This salt crystal is as salty today as it was 10,000 years ago.
Let me say it again pure salt never loses its saltiness. That’s why we must
stay pure.
The salt used in the time of Jesus
wasn’t mined; it came from the Dead Sea. When the water evaporated, it left
salt. But the salt was sometimes so mixed with other minerals that although it
looked like salt, and poured like salt, it wasn’t salty. When it was placed on
food, it was tasteless. When it was applied to fresh meat, the meat rotted.
Jesus warned against the spiritual condition that exists when our lives are not
morally pure. When we allow impure thoughts and impure behavior to become mixed
in our personality, we lose our saltiness, too. Jesus posed the question, “If
salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” In His day, there
was no chemical process to make “unsalty” salt salty again. The only thing to
do with it was to put it on the road and use it for gravel. Sadly, many believers
live such impure lives that they have lost their sense of saltiness in a
rotting world. Today, there is a simple chemical process that can restore
“unsalty” salt to pure salt, but that process was unknown during Jesus’ day–so
what was impossible for man is possible for God. If you have lost your
saltiness, God can make you pure again! His blood can make you pure, but His
Word keeps you pure.
We should be dangerous disciples
in this world, but too many believers are harmless to the devil’s work. Too
many Christians are like the dog a friend of mine told me about. One day, he
walked into an old country store and saw a sign just inside that read: “DANGER!
BEWARE OF DOG!” My friend looked around cautiously, but all he saw was an old
hound curled up on the floor, sound asleep. He said to the owner, “That dog
doesn’t look dangerous to me.” The owner said, “Well, folks kept tripping over
him, so that’s why I put up the sign.”