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  • 2793 Pine St

    2793 Pine St

    Nulla facilisi. Cras blandit elit sit amet eros sodales, non accumsan neque mollis. Nullam tempor sapien tellus, sit amet posuere ante porta quis. Nunc semper leo diam, vitae imperdiet mauris suscipit et. Maecenas ut neque lectus. Duis et ipsum nec felis elementum pulvi...

  • 1100 Broderick St

    1100 Broderick St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus ...

  • 868 Turk St

    868 Turk St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus posuere posuere fel...

  • 420 Fell St

    420 Fell St

    Sed at vehicula magna, sed vulputate ipsum. Maecenas fringilla, leo et auctor consequat, lacus nulla iaculis eros, at ultrices erat libero quis ante. Praesent in neque est. Cras quis ultricies nisi, vitae laoreet nisi. Nunc a orci at velit sodales mollis ac ac ipsum. Na...

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Three Cows

The Three Cows

Once, three cows lived in a green and fresh pasture near a forest: a white cow, a black cow and a reddish-brown cow. The cows were kind to each other. They used to graze in the meadow together and sleep near each other.
One day, a reddish-brown lion happened to take a stroll out of the forest onto the meadow. It was hungry and looking for a prey. On catching sight of the cows it became glad, but couldn't attack them, because they were together. So, the lion sat behind a boulder and patiently waited till the cows would separate from each other.
However, the cows were too clever to separate from each other. They knew that if they were together, no predator could attack them. The lion lay in ambush nearby for two or three days. But the cows continued to remain together, and wouldn’t separate from each other. The lion became impatient. It thought of a plan. It went towards the cows, greeted them and said, “How are you my friends? Are you fine? I have been busy lately, so could not come and visit you. Today I made up my mind to pay you a visit.”
The reddish-brown cow said, “Sir, your coming has really pleased us and brightened our pasture.”
Both the white and the black cows were troubled by what their friend, the reddish-brown cow said, and were grieved at its thoughtlessness. They said to each other, “Why does the reddish-brown cow believe what the lion says?
Doesn’t it know that lions seek other animals only to prey on them?”
As the days passed by, the reddish-brown cow became more and more attached to the lion. The black cow and the white cow advised it against a friendship with the lion, but their efforts were in vain.
One day, the lion said to the reddish-brown cow, “You know that the color of our bodies is dark and that the color of the body of the white cow is light. You also know that light color is the opposite of the dark color. It will be very good if I eat the white cow, so that there will be no difference among us any longer and we will be able to live together well.”
The reddish-brown cow accepted the lion’s argument and started talking to the black cow to keep it busy, so that the lion could eat the white cow. The white cow was left alone and was killed, while the black and the reddish-brown cows were busy in idle talk.
Two or three days passed since the lion devoured the white cow. It became hungry again. It called the reddish-brown cow. The cow answered: “Yes sir!”
The lion said, “The color of my body and the color of your body are both reddish-brown, and black does not go with our color. It will be very good if I eat the black cow, so that in this forest we all will be of the same color.” The reddish-brown cow accepted this argument and moved away from the black cow.
The lion attacked and devoured the black cow soon. And as for the reddish-brown cow, it was so filled with joy that it didn’t know what to do. It roamed and grazed and said to itself, “It is only me who has the color of the lion.”
A few days passed later, the lion was hungry again. It roared and said, “O the reddish-brown cow! Where are you?” The reddish-brown cow, shaking with fear, went forward and said, “Yes sir!”
The lion said: “Today it is your turn. Get yourself ready, I am going to eat you.”
The reddish-brown cow, with great fear and horror, said, “Why sir, I am your friend. I did whatever you asked me to do. Still why do you want to eat me?”
The lion roared and said, “I have no friends. How is it possible that a lion makes friendship with a cow?”
No matter how much the reddish-brown cow begged and entreated, the lion didn’t accept its words. Finally the cow said, “Mr. Lion, please allow me to cry out three times before you eat me.”
The lion said, “Ok. Quickly, quickly!”
The reddish-brown cow cried out, “I was eaten the very day the white cow was eaten. I was eaten the very day the black cow was eaten. I was eaten the very day I made friends with the lion.”
The lion devoured the reddish-brown cow very quickly. Then it said to itself: “I have finished my job in this forest. Now I had better go to other forests.”
Any group without unity will easily be destroyed.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

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Friday, June 8, 2018

The Cunning Fox and the Clever Stork

Once upon a time, there lived a very cunning and mischievous fox. He used to speak to other animals sweetly and gain their trust, before playing tricks on them.
One day the fox met a stork. He befriended the stork and acted like a very good friend. Soon, he invited the stork to have a feast with him. The stork happily accepted the invitation.
The day of the feast came, and the stork went to the fox’s house. To her surprise and disappointment, the fox said that he could not make a big feast as promised, and just offered some soup. When he brought the soup out of the kitchen, the stork saw that it was in a shallow bowl!
The poor stork could not have any soup with its long bill, but the fox easily licked the soup from the plate. As the stork just touched the soup with the tip of its bill, the fox asked her, “How is the soup? Don’t you like it?”
The hungry stork replied, “Oh it is good, but my stomach is upset, and I can’t take any more soup!”
“I’m sorry for troubling you,” said the fox.

The stork replied, “Oh dear, please don’t say sorry. I have some health problem and cannot enjoy what you offer.”
She left the place after thanking the fox, and inviting him to her house for dinner.
The day arrived and the fox reached the stork’s place. After exchanging pleasantries, the stork served soup for both of them, in a narrow jar with a long neck. She was able to have the soup very easily with her long bill, but the fox obviously could not.
After finishing hers, the stork asked the fox if he was enjoying the soup. The fox remembered the feast he himself had given the stork, and felt very ashamed. He stammered, “I…I’d better leave now. I have a tummy ache.”
Humiliated, he left the place running.
Moral: One bad turn begets another.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

health is wealth

Health is Wealth

Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. But the people weren’t happy with their king because the king was very lazy and would not do anything other than eating and sleeping.
He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping. The king became a potato couch and the people started to worry about the king.
One day, the king realized that he couldn’t even move his body, not even his foot. He became very fat and his enemies made fun of him, calling him ‘fatty king’, ‘bulky king’ etc.
The king invited expert doctors from various parts of his country and offered them generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king gain his health and fitness. The king spent enormous amounts of money but everything went in vain.
One fine morning, a holy man visited the country. He heard about the ill-health of the king, and informed the minister at the palace that he could easily cure the king. Hearing these promising words, the minister became very happy. He requested the king to meet the holy man to get rid of his problem.
The holy man resided at a distant place. Since the king could not move his body, he asked the minister to bring the holy man to the palace, but the holy man refused. He said that the king had to go to him, in order to get cured.
After strenuous efforts, the king met the holy man at the latter’s residence. The holy man complimented the king saying that he was a good ruler, and said that he would soon regain his health. He asked the king to come for treatment the next day. He told the king also that the king would be treated only if he came on foot to the holy man’s residence.
The King was unable to walk even a few steps on the road, but aided by his followers, he reached the holy man’s place. Unfortunately, the holy man was not available there and his devotee requested the king to come and meet him the next day for treatment.
This was repeated for two weeks and the king never met the holy man, and never had any treatment.
Gradually, the king realized that he felt a lot lighter, lost a considerable amount of weight and felt more active than before. He realized the reason why the holy man asked him to reach his place by walking.
Very soon, the king regained his health, and the people were very happy in his kingdom.
Health is Wealth!

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