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Friday, January 6, 2017

David's Heart of Gold

David's Heart of Gold

Here is one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible.
One day a little 5 year old boy was playing in the sand making castles and digging tunnels. Life was good. He was happy and care-free. His grandpa was the president of the whole country and his daddy was the vice president! The little boy lived in abundance. It is a wonder he was not spoiled with personal nurses and maids to wait on him. His food was the finest money could buy. (Story in II Samuel 4:4)
But this tranquil scene did not last long. The news suddenly came that both his grandfather and dad had just been killed in a battle with the Philistines.
A new king would soon sit on his grandpa's throne and his family would probably be exterminated since this was the custom in those days.
Quickly his nurse, understanding the gravity of the emergency, picked him up and ran. They must flee for their lives and find a place far away to hide. But as she hurried to leave, she slipped and both legs of the little boy were broken and mangled. The little boy's whole life had changed in 5 minutes. You never know what the next phone call will bring.
The near unpronounceable name of this youngster is Mephibosheth. Now he was a fugitive. After many days of fear and hiding they finally found refuge in a forlorn place called Lo Debar. Here, life was hard. His daddy Jonathan and his grandfather Saul were both gone. His legs never healed properly and now he was a handicapped cripple living in poverty.
Let's go to II Samuel 9. The gist of this fascinating story is that David found the poor physically challenged boy and took him into his own house where he lived out his life in happiness.
II Samuel 9:1- "David asked, 'Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?'"
Twenty years after Saul's death David still missed Jonathan. David was a promise keeper. He remembered a pledge he made that when he became king and had peace from his enemies, he would treat Jonathan's family with kindness.
If you owe someone a favor, it is better to do it late than not at all. David was a man sitting there thinking what he could do to help people. Thinking of the needs of others. He lived to do good. Good men seek opportunities to benefit others. David did not just sit at his desk waiting until someone came up to make an application for help. He did not ask; is anyone qualified? Or worthy? David's love was unconditional of merit. He went out looking for good deeds to do-- Isaiah 32:8
David had forgiven Saul and now wanted to show kindness to Saul's family. This man after God's own heart overcame evil with good. David was compassionate. We should remember people who have needs that we could relieve. Is there a surviving relative of someone you have loved who needs your love and help?
Verse 3- "The king asked (Ziba) 'Is there no one still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness?' Ziba answered the king, 'There is still a son of Jonathan; but he is crippled in both feet.'"
Only one little lame lad was left. Saul's bloody house had been quickly diminished. The iniquity of the father was visited upon the children. What a motive for parents to live a good life. How often children have to reap the crop of wild oats sown by worldly parents. You parents need to surrender your life to Jesus. Pray. Be in church. Put Jesus first. Live the Christian life.
Ziba betrayed the lad's hiding place. Eventually our best kept secrets will surface. Mephibosheth was found. Ziba said - are you aware that the cripple is not going to benefit you or look good hanging around your palace. But David didn't care.
Verse 4,5- "'Where is he?' the king asked. Ziba answered, 'He is at the house of Makir son of Ammiel in Lo Debar.' So King David had him brought from Lo Debar, from the house of Makir son of Ammiel."
You don't want to live in Lo Debar! Lo = no, Debar = pasture. The poor crippled person lived in a barren place of no pasture. Rocky and forlorn. Eight miles south of the Sea of Galilee on the other side of the Jordan river. There on the other side of the tracks in a secluded hovel was the hiding place of the last relative of Jonathan. Hiding for his life from King David.
Are you hiding from God? How long will you dodge Him? God is your friend. He seeks you that He may benefit you and pour out His love upon you.
verse 6- "When Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, came to David, he bowed down to pay him honor. David said, 'Mephibosheth!' 'Your servant,' he replied."
In his crippled painful condition he fell on his face. It was not easy. He expected to feel a sword severing his head.
Verse 7- "'Don't be afraid,' David said to him, 'for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.'"
David's gift was more than a hand out. True friendship will be generous. David parted with a large valuable estate. Love is like that. Love is unselfish. Love is extravagant. When you love God's church you are generous with it. When you love God you give Him all you have.
I don't read that David said anything about the young man's disfigured legs. It was never mentioned. God forgets our sins. Hebrews 10:17 "Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" David treated him like a prince. Mephibosheth never spoke of his maimed feet. What do you think they talked about? About Jonathan!
What do we talk about? Too many Christians like to talk about the days when they were crippled by sin. When we come together, let us speak about our mutual friend.... Jesus Christ! If we talked more about Jesus our problems just might fade away.
Verses 8-10 "Mephibosheth bowed down and said, 'What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?'" -- Noticeable humility! Then the king summoned Ziba, Saul's servant, and said to him, 'I have given your master's grandson everything that belonged to Saul and his family. You and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring in the crops, so that your master's grandson may be provided for. And Mephibosheth, grandson of your master, will always eat at my table.'" (Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.)
Lame and unsightly as a dead dog, Mephibosheth becomes a part of David's family. Those who humble themselves will be exalted!
Verses 11-13 "Then Ziba said to the king, 'Your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands his servant to do." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table like one of the king's sons. Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica, and all the members of Ziba's household were servants of Mephibosheth. (He was a young married man of perhaps 20-25 years of age.) And Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he always ate at the king's table, and he was crippled in both feet.
You never read in here that David was able to cure the cripple and make him able to walk. We cannot walk a life that is perfect before our King. Humans are always cripples. Our best efforts are not enough.
There are more deep lessons to be learned from this beautiful story if we continue to plumb its depths. Put the human race, put yourself in Mephibosheth's place.... 1. Once Mephibosheth savored an unbroken companionship with his father. 6000 years ago Adam walked in close daily fellowship with his father.
2. Disaster struck suddenly and Mephibosheth suffered when his nurse dropped him. When sin came into this world, Adam and Eve were crippled for life. Humanity turned into spiritual invalids. The curse was deep and lifelong. In God's sight we are all cripples. All have gone astray... Isaiah 53:6 All have stumbled and fallen. None of us stand perfect.
3. King David sought the outcast. King David set his heart on Mephibosheth. God is the hound of heaven, and seeks the lost that He might save them. Some of you can recall when you were out there hooked on sin. You were depraved and lost. Into a life of drugs, alcohol, illicit lovemaking... the list goes on and on. You had no hope. You had completely backslid from God. But the King loves you. He accepts you crutches, braces, weaknesses and all.
If you do not resist, God will find you and save you. He comes seeking sinners who are spiritually disabled. They are dead in sin. Lost. Hiding from Him. He seeks them and finds them.
4. King David manifested grace to Mephibosheth. He deserved death. But the King out of love for Jonathan, showed love to the enfeebled son. Just so, God, out of love for His son Jesus Christ wants to show His great loving kindness to us. Jesus has noble purposes for His lost sheep. He will do us good and not evil.
When David first saw Mephibosheth he did not see a cripple, he saw the likeness of Jonathan. When God looks at us He sees the image of His own Son. We stand perfect in God's sight for the sake of Jesus.
5. Mephibosheth was undeserving. He was spiritually bankrupt. He had nothing with which to compensate the generosity of the King.

  • We can add nothing to our salvation.
  • Our best efforts are like filthy rags.
  • We can never earn His wonderful forgiveness.
  • We do not deserve it. Yet it is ours free of charge.
6. Mephibosheth fell prone out at David's feet. It is when we come to the King and surrender all to Him that we receive hope and life. When you stop zigzagging all around God and place yourself totally in the hands you go from death to life.
7. King David reinstated Mephibosheth. He took this broken man of hardship and poverty and brought him into full benefit and blessing.
Just so, God takes us from the gutter of sin and the poverty of worthlessness and gives us full and complete status. We will be re-established into the full blessings that Adam lost.
8. King David adopted Mephibosheth into his own family. He sat at the kings table, ate the kings food, slept in the kings palace. Likewise, the believing sinner becomes a son of God. We join the family of God. We sit at His table. He feeds us with choice morsels of heavenly manna. We come to His table of salvation just as we are, crippled and miserable.
In the palace of David the supper bell rings and in come the hungry family. There is the man after God's own heart - David at the head of the table. Others enter and sit down. Handsome Absalom, Wise studious Solomon, beautiful tender Tamar, David's daughter. Maybe muscular Joab comes in. Then we hear the clop, tap, clump, thump, thud of Mephibosheth as he hobbles in and sits at that great table. He is now one of the sons of the King.
All through eternity we will enjoy fellowship with the King. Imagine yourself sitting at that great silver table when we all get to heaven. The saved will be there. Maybe you will sit beside Paul or Peter. Moses, Elijah, Isaac Newton, Mephibosheth, Rahab, Jonah... HMS Richards, Martin Luther... The list goes on and on. Imagine asking towering Adam; could you please pass the potatoes? We will all break bread together.
I want to meet David, this man after God's own heart. God is there waiting for the entrance of His children. He has prepared a place there for you. Will you accept it? Mephibosheth chose to believe that David's love was genuine. It made all the difference! I appeal to you today to accept Jesus as your Saviour. He loves you. He will pass the potatoes to you personally.
Let's sing: Near to the Heart of God.

Prayer:   Thank You Lord  for searching and finding me when I
was running the other way.  Thank You for loving me when I was not
worthy.  Thank You for adopting me when I did not deserve it. 
Thank You for your loving kindness and your saving grace.  Thank
You for sending Jesus, a Man after your own heart to be our tender
beautiful Saviour.  Help me to be a person after your own heart of
love.  Amen.  

Opening Hymn:   39
Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:5-10
Closing Hymn: 495   Near to the Heart of God


See: David, a man of passion and testiny, 1997.
History of Israel volume 12, 1991.

Pasian deih lungsim
Alian 51:10 Pasian aw, keima sungah lungsim siangtho hong piangsak in la, a thak a man ngaihsutna ka sungah hong guan' in.
Late 51:17 Pasian' san' theih biakna pen lungsim kitamzan ahi hi. Pasian aw, a kitamzan, a kisik lungsim na simmawh kei ding hi.
Late 34:18 Lungsim kitamzante kiangah Topa  hong om a, lungsim zangawpte a hon hi.
Late 51:17 Pasian' san' theih biakna pen lungsim kitamzan ahi hi. Pasian aw, a kitamzan, a kisik lungsim na simmawh kei ding hi.
Late 71:1 Topa  aw, nang kong bel hi. Kei hong zahhuaisak kei in.
Late 12:2 Mi kim in a vengte kiangah zuauthu gen ciat a, phat khemna kam zol leh lungsim nam nih tawh thu a gen uh hi.
Deceived heart
Isai 44:18  Amaute in bangmah theilo a, amaute in bangmah khentel theilo uh hi. Bang hang hiam cih leh amaute in bangmah a muh theihlohna dingun amah in a mit uh humsakin, bangmah a theihlohna dingun a lungsim uh khaksak hi.
Isai 44:20 Amah pen vut a nete tawh kibang lel hi. A lungsim haina in amah lam pialpih khin a, amah leh amah kihonkhia theiloin, “Ka khutsungah ka tawi milim pen a zumhuai hilo ahi hiam?” cih zong phawk theilo hi.
Jer 11:8 Ahih hangin amaute in ka thu hong mangloin a bil uh hong ngatlo uh a, a gitlohna lungsim uh a zui tentan uh hi. Hih thuciamna a zuih ding uh thu ka piak hangin hong nial veve uh ahih manin tua sunga thute a vekpi-in ka tungsak ding hi,” hong ci hi.
Job 36:13 “Migilote a hehin nitum uh a, gimna a thuak ciang nangawnun ama huh ding ngenlo uh hi.
Akipha sak mite Lungsim
Paunak 16:5  Topa  in a kihisak mite mudah a, amaute in gimna thuak hamtang uh hi.
Paunak 19:3 Mi pawlkhat in amau' haitatna hangin gimna a ngah hinapi-in Topa  ngawhin mawk heh uh hi.
Luke 16:15 Jesuh in amaute kiangah, “Mite in note a man penin hong ngaihsut theihna dingin na om uh a, ahi zongin Pasian in na lungsimtawng uh a hong thei hi. Bang hang hiam cih leh mihingte in a manpha mahmahin a ngaihsutte pen Pasian in bangmahin simlo hi.
Late 139: 23-24 Pasian aw, kei hong entel in la, ka lungsim hong thei in. Kei hong sit in la, ka ngaihsutnate hong thei in.
Kei sungah siattheihna a omkha hiam hong en in la, tawntung lampi-ah kei hong kha in.
John 14:1 Tua ciangin Jesuh in a nungzuite kiangah, “Note
lunghimawh kei un. Pasian um un la, kei zong hong um un
1 John 5:4 Pasian' ta ahite peuhmah in leitung nate zo uh a, i upna tawh leitung nate tungah a gualzo ihi hi.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Plug in to Jesus

Plug in to Jesus

John 15:1-8

Two rich travelers in early American history stepped into a railroad passenger coach when the train was being made up and took some comfortable seats. Soon they were busy talking. Suddenly a porter looked into the coach and told them to move to another coach. "What's the matter with this car?" they asked. "Nothing," the porter said. But you need to know that it ain't coupled on to anything that will take you anywhere." Folks, if we are ever going to go to heaven, we had better get hitched to Jesus.

A new missionary was assigned a car that he could use. The only problem was that it would not start without a push. The first day he got the school kids to shove his car off. After that he would always park on a slight hill or just leave the car running. Two years later ill health forced pastor Jackson to leave. A new missionary came to the station. He was shown the car and told how to get it started. The new missionary opened the hood and found a loose cable. He tightened it with a wrench and stepped into the car and pushed the switch and to the astonishment of Pastor Jackson, the engine roared to life. For two years he had needless trouble. The power was there all the time! Only a loose connection kept Pastor Jackson from putting that power to work.

Ephesians 1:19 (Phillips)- How tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God. But what good is that power when we sit on the sidetrack of life unconnected to the locomotive. The problem is our connection with Jesus. Because the saving bond or link is weak or non-existent, it is so hard to live the Christian life.

We are like the man trying to cut down a tree with a chain saw. It was hard work and sweat until someone showed him how to start up the engine on the chain saw.
I want to have good works, don't you? I want fruit in my life. But How do we get power in our life to be what Jesus wants us to be? We Christians are about in the predicament that most folk faced in the super storm of 1993. The lines are down and our spiritual life is dead in the water. We are cold and getting colder. The lights are off. We are unplugged! Disconnected! Severed from Jesus Christ our strength and power.


Imagine a poor man walking around with a 100 pound back pack. It is loaded with all his past burdens. He can never run with the wind because he is so encumbered. We must disconnect ourselves from anything that is dragging us down. We must get forgiveness of past mistakes. God loves to forgive sins. Forgiveness is one of His hobbies. If you ask for your sins to be forgiven God is always faithful to do it. I John 1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

We were saved about 2000 years ago. Whether we actually reach heaven depends on whether or not we accept Jesus' death on the cross as the payment for all our sins. You have a choice: Pay for sin yourself or Let Jesus pay for your sins. If you pay for your sins, it will cost you your life. If Jesus pays for your sins, the price is already paid on the cross. I'd much rather accept Jesus' payment for my sin. wouldn't you?


On my computer if I wish to eliminate a file, I just highlight it and push DELETE. Up comes a question: All information will be deleted, is this what you want? Yes! -- No! If I push yes, I will never see it again. Ask Jesus to blot out your sins and all your sins are erased. They are deleted from the hard drive in that celestial computer. In fact Jesus formats your hard drive. It is all clean. But He does not quit there. Next, Jesus downloads fresh righteous software into the computer of your heart.

Forgiveness does not mean that I will never hit the wrong key on my keyboard. It does not mean I will never have to use spell check. Even though I am a new person, I will make mistakes. But, over time, I will become more and more like Jesus.

Don't focus on your life of failure and mistakes. Unplug yourself from past insufficiencies. Focus on Jesus. When I look at Don Gettys and my works and my record of blotched up flops, I don't see how I can be saved. BUT, when I look at Jesus my Savior and His deep fantastic love, I don't see how I can be lost! When I look at Jesus I get great confidence that I will be in Heaven soon. Forget the past and focus on what you want to be. ,P. 2) PLUG IN TO REAL POWER (transformation) Ephesians 2:4-5. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.

Not only will Jesus forgive you but He will empower you to live the Christian life. We are not saved by living a good life. Going to church doesn't save you. Being nice to your neighbors doesn't save you. So why be good? We live a good life because we have been saved. Good works are the fruit of being in love with Jesus.

At Christmas time one of my job descriptions is to get all the lights on the Christmas tree to be lit. You would think this would be simple and easy. But at times it almost breaks my preacher patience. I get each string connected to the power cord and the whole tree looks so beautiful. Suddenly I notice that half of a string of lights is not lit up. It is plugged in and should burn even if one or more bulbs are burned out. But there it is dead!

I know that one of the 3000 bulbs on that string must have a loose connection. It must not be plugged in tight. Why didn't it malfunction when I tested it? Why did it wait until I got it all installed? I don't know, but I do know that fixing that pesky string of bulbs can take a long time. You see each and every bulb must be tightly connected for the whole string to work. Are you tightly connected to Jesus? Only then can your spiritual life light up!

When you truly come to Jesus and fall in love with Him, that new relationship will dramatically transform your life. If you have bad habits and blatant immoral living, you can be changed by TIGHTLY connecting with Jesus. This new lifestyle will be clear evidence that something profound has taken place.

Your conversion will automatically produce good fruit. Just as your life of service to Satan produced sinful fruit, so your love for your new master will produce righteous results. Good works are the result of your total commitment to Jesus Christ. He becomes both your Savior and your Lord.

If you are not bearing good fruit it is clear that you do not really know Jesus. Bearing fruit is not an option. It is a natural result of attaching your life with the life of Jesus. An apple tree cannot help but bear apples when it is properly connected to Mother Earth. We cannot help but bear good works when properly connected to our Father in heaven.

So how do we have good works? What thing or act or work are we supposed to do? John 6:29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." If you want to do the work of God then believe! Believe in Jesus. The work of Christians is to Believe in Jesus. That is the work that will save us.
"The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing." -- George Sweeting. And what is the main thing? Trust in Jesus. Believe in Jesus. To maintain that saving connection with Jesus. Get TIGHTLY plugged in to Jesus.


Change takes time. Gutson Borglum was the sculptor who carved the massive figures of four American presidents -- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt -- on Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. When asked how he produced the amazing work, he replied, "Those figures were there for forty million years. (4000 years actually). All I had to do was dynamite 400,000 tons of granite to bring them into view." Did that happen overnight? No.
So Christ shapes our lives, chipping away those things that must go and replacing them with a character that honors Him. If we allow the master sculptor to work on us long enough, a beautiful character will begin to emerge. The flaws will begin to fade away. Jesus will chip away the evil things and in their place more and more beauty will be seen. The longer you stay under the transforming influence of Jesus the more you will be changed.

My wife and I went to Europe this past summer. In Hampton Court near London, there is a grapevine under glass; it is about 1,000 years old and has one massive root which is at least two feet thick. Even though some of the smaller branches are 200 feet from the main stem, they bear much fruit because they are joined to the vine and allow the life of the vine to flow through them. Because of skillful cutting and pruning, that one single vine produces 2-3 tons of grapes each year. The longer you stay plugged in the more results you will have.
Jesus is the Vine, and we are the branches. And when we need pruning, the goal is always more fruit. The pruning is not painless. You might feel the pruning is too severe. But if you stay connected to that massive powerful life giving Vine called Jesus, the fruit will come in great abundance. Keep in that life giving relationship and get ready for grapes! Stay with it!

Count the number of times John uses the word "Abide" or "Remain" in John 15:4-8. "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.

I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."
What does the word "remain" mean? Stay! Don't leave Jesus. Linger with Jesus. What Jesus is saying is this: Stay plugged in."

The full truth is that without Jesus I am dead in the water. I can't do anything without Jesus. Some folk try hard to keep the law perfectly. Satan tells us that the only way to please God is to keep His law absolutely perfectly. But Don Gettys can't quite ever achieve that perfection. I keep trying, but Romans 3:20 says no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law
What made Jesus perfect? He did not attain a state of perfection by carrying around in his pocket a list of rules and regulations, or by seeking to conform to the cultural moralities of his time. He was perfect because he never made a move without his Father. Jesus kept it because Jesus kept loving His Father. Because Jesus kept fully surrendered to God's will. Because Jesus kept connected to His Father.

When you are plugged in it will change your life. You will have a bumper crop of good works. I love my wife. Because of that I run the vacuum cleaner, help with the dishes, and put my dirty socks in the hamper and do all kinds of things. I will stand beside her in thick or thin because I love her. I trust in Cyndie.
You can trust in Jesus. It is a Loving relationship with Jesus that produces a mountain of good works. Concentrate on your relationship with Jesus. Trust and you will obey.

Jesus will give you a new heart. It is the new heart that produces new life. All winter long those ugly brown dead oak leaves cling to that old oak tree. All the ice and snow and cold Arctic blasts will not remove them. But the warmth of the spring time sun will produce new life. Then new sap flows and the old leaves fall off. New growth begins. We need to ask Jesus to get rid of the old sap in us! The old habits will fall away and new life will come.

Once we are truly in love with Jesus we will naturally want to please Him. So we read His word to find out more about Jesus. We soon find out what He likes and what He hates. We discover that Jesus wrote the 10 commandments so we are quick to begin keeping them. God loves the Sabbath, so we worship Him on the Sabbath.

We discover that Jesus ministered to others so we visit the sick, care for the dying, give food and flowers, we visit in jail...
We soon find out that Jesus wants to live inside us. Our body is actually the temple of God! So we naturally want to care for his earthly home. We stop drinking and smoking. We eat the best foods. We begin to exercise. All these things are the fruit of our relationship.

Romans 10:9 ....if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Our work is to believe and trust and love in Jesus.
Do you believe that? John 6: 40. "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

Come to Jesus. Ask Jesus to Unplug you from your sinful past. Confess your sins to Jesus, Ask Jesus to forgive your sins. Fall in Love with Jesus. Get plugged into Jesus. Make sure you are tightly plugged in. Stay plugged in to Jesus.
Our part is to fight the connection battle and Jesus fights the performance battle. He enables us to live the Christian life. Philippians 4:13 says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That does not mean I can be exactly like God. "We can never equal his (Jesus') pattern; but we may imitate and resemble it according to our ability" Review and Herald, Feb 5, 1895 E. G. White.

"No human being is righteous any longer than he has faith in God, and maintains a vital connection with Him."-- Testimonies to Ministers p. 367. EG White.
Jesus will accept you and will give you His perfect robe of Righteousness. Every day, give your heart to Jesus. Ask our soft-hearted God to save you. He will. God will give you a new heart. And He will give you the power to live a life that will be more and more in harmony with His divine image. Unlike Missionary Jackson, You focus on connecting the starter cable to Jesus and your spiritual engine will take off.

The Christian Life works like Christmas. Because you love Him and want a life-giving connection to Jesus, God gives you Eternal Life, a gift that you cannot earn. For the sake of illustration let's say it is a new Bicycle under your Christmas tree. Jesus paid 100% of the cost. Jesus delivers your new bike and comes in to help assemble the new bike. (Everything needs assembling these days.) Jesus teaches you to ride the bike. Jesus provides the power to pedal the bike. You wipe out. Maybe time after time. Jesus picks you up and helps you again and again. Jesus is the training wheels- you never outgrow. Jesus rides with you... as your life companion. Jesus is the power pushing the petals. Jesus will lead you down a path that will take you all the way to heaven.

Let me illustrate what our God is like. One cold winter evening an old man suffered a heart attack and after being admitted to the hospital, asked the nurse to call his daughter. He explained, "You see, I live alone and she is the only family I have." The nurse went to phone the daughter. The daughter was quite upset and shouted, "You must not let him die! You see, Dad and I had a terrible argument almost a year ago. I haven't seen him since. All these months I've wanted to go to him for forgiveness. The last thing I said to him was, 'I hate you.'" The daughter cried and then said, "I'm coming now. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

The patient went into cardiac arrest, and code 99 was alerted. The nurse prayed, "O God, his daughter is coming. Don't let it end this way." The efforts of the medical team to revive the patient were fruitless. The nurse observed one of the doctors talking to the daughter outside the room. She could see the pathetic hurt in her face.

he nurse took the daughter aside and said, "I'm sorry." The daughter responded, "I never hated him, you know. I loved him, And now I want to go see him." The nurse took her to the room, and the daughter went to the bed and buried her face in the sheets as she said good-bye to her deceased father. The nurse, as she tried not to look at this sad good-bye, noticed a scrap of paper on the bed table. She picked it up and read: "My dearest Janie, I forgive you. I pray you will also forgive me. I know that you love me. I love you, too. Daddy."

The realization of the depth of her fathers love changed her whole life. Get Plugged in to the great love of God and you will never be the same.

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